Energy Healing – Holistic Healing Treatment

Lisa Diamond Rosenthal, Holistic Healer & Life Coach discusses Energy Healing and its use in Healing.

When I talk about Energy Healing, I’m really talking about understanding your physical energy and its flow and how it’s impacting your mental, emotional and physical health. It’s different from the typical way most people think when they hear the words “Energy Healing”.

How Trauma Affects You

Let’s say you’ve had a trauma in your life that happened when you were young.

It could have been something that was small and insignificant like you spilled the milk. Your parents were really busy and they had to get out of the house for work and they started yelling because they were so frustrated that you just spilled the milk on the floor.

Perhaps you interpreted and internalized that, and suddenly you had this trauma in you. You didn’t know.

So you have had that trauma for 30 years around the milk falling. Then years pass and every time you see milk, you don’t realize or understand it but it triggers a fear mechanism.

The Impact of Stress On Your Health

So your body is basically in a state of shock.

It’s called being in a sympathetic state. Sympathetic state is where you see a lion and your body and mind want to run or freeze.

Certain functions in your body shut down. Maybe you have trouble digesting, or you don’t go to the bathroom. Maybe your heart goes faster or your lung capacity increases.

People that have had any kind of trauma or any kind of bad memories or perhaps came into the world with certain issues can all be walking around in a sympathetic or stressed state.

Even coming from poverty and now thinking you don’t have enough money or being afraid your bus won’t come on time can put you into a stressed state.

You walk around in a stressed state and you don’t know where that stress came from.

Was it something that happened today? A week ago? 30 years ago? Is the stress an unconscious memory arising?

It could have been yours or you could have inherited it, even from another generation (see Family Constellation therapy / Genogram). And so, you walk around every day, in a sympathetic state, and you wonder why you’re not healthy even though you eat right and exercise regularly.

Releasing The Trauma

Different body parts start to have issues for various reasons.

It is safer and more efficient for a specific body part to break down than the entire body. There is a direct correlation between the body part that is in “dis-ease” and the trauma or memory that it is linked.

To address this, I ask your body some questions using muscle biofeedback.

You might not know or remember the storyline, but your body holds all of your experiences. When I ask your body questions, I start to get answers.

The reactions from your body tell the story. Then the true story begins to unravel and we bring it to light.

As your story unravels, I might say “Oh, when you were five years old. Did something happen?”

And suddenly I might see that you have an issue with milk and I’ll ask, “Did something happen with milk?”

and you’ll be like “No nothing happened with milk.”

and then a few minutes later I might say, “Oh, it’s okay we’re going to clear it anyway.”

I start clearing it using mechanisms with your eye movements or sounds or smells or colors or other treatments. And often you begin to remember the trauma.

All of a sudden the person might say to me, “I’m so tired” or “oh I need to go to the bathroom.” or “I feel a sense of calmness I’ve never felt before.” It’s all signs that your body is releasing trauma and going into healing.

As your energy shifts, your body begins to release the trauma that you have held for days, weeks or years. 

You are not running from the lion anymore.

Then all of a sudden, a few minutes later you get more energy. The color comes back to your face, the heart rate adjusts itself, and your body resets itself. When you go home you find you have energy and capacity to do more.

Your complete energy changes. And that’s because the trauma is no longer being triggered. It’s gone. Now your energy is not being used to run from the lion, it is used for daily living.

So that is the form of energy healing I use.

Life Coaching And Shifting Energy For Healing

Another example of shifting energy is by transforming perspective.

As a Life Coach, I help clients to see a different perspective from the one they have lived their life believing. When a new perspective is evaluated and integrated, clients expand their capacity to understand the world around them, their relationships and their stories. They begin to rapidly heal on all levels of their being, from mental and emotional to physical and even spiritually.

An example would be when a new client comes for a session and they’re complaining a lot. They are just very negative and they are very low energy on a scale.

There is actually a scale to measure energy.

And so, when I work with them I help them to see where they are in the world, and where they are losing energy and life force. I help them to see a different perspective. I help them look at things from all angles.

When you start to understand things from greater angles you have a bigger capacity to heal.

You go from having a smaller tunnel view to a larger field where you can interpret the world better, have access to more resources and your energy increases. Your capacity triples or quadruples, and you see more opportunities and ways to handle your life. Not only do you see better on an intellectual basis, but you actually can see that your field of vision changed.

You’re not as myopic.

It’s kind of like when a horse is walking down the street and they put those blinders on the horse so that they don’t get startled. Well that’s what it’s like.

I help you to calm your nervous system enough so that we can take off the blinders, and you suddenly have, 180 degree vision where you only had like 45 degree vision before. You were so myopic from either the trauma, negative thinking, illness or toxicity.

Fear And Its Impact On Your Energy

Another thing that makes people exceedingly low energy is fear.

What we’re going through right now in the world is very fear producing. Everyone’s afraid. Everyone’s afraid of Covid, everyone’s afraid of the flu, everyone’s afraid of politicians. Everyone’s afraid. You name it. And the fear going on is just multiplying. The news is dreadful. Many people can’t find jobs and it’s a bad situation.

However, when I work with somebody, I help them to put their life into perspective. I help them to see what their abilities are.

We find a way that they can go out in the world and create a positive and powerful position for themselves. We discuss how they could make changes in their relationships or in their job or in their health, so they are more empowered, happy and have healthy environments.

When we help clients to see their own abilities and opportunities , they see new possibilities, and they can start healing.

LDR Healing uses a collection of many modalities and tools to create a cohesive whole body, mind and soul protocol for healing.

Energy Healing And The Biodynamic Fascial Modulation (BFM) Method

Our bodies are electrical systems.

When you are holding a certain emotion in different organs and we start to work on that emotion through talk therapy or through different techniques, the energy starts moving.

So it is a little bit like Reiki but we don’t put hands on top of people like a Reiki practitioner.

The person who does do more of that is Anna Shats who is in the office next to mine. She is my colleague and a wonderful massage therapist & healer at BFM Planet.

Anna’s approach involves moving the energy with her hands. I send clients to her for all types of body work. We work in conjunction with each other to provide whatever the best treatment is based on the individual’s needs.

Anna is a connective tissue aka fascial specialist and her technique involves identifying areas of tension and resistance. As she is working on someone often a lot of emotions come up and she senses that there is something deeper going on inside of them. In those situations she will often send them to work with me to find out what is going on.

Sometimes there is a blockage within the person. It can be a physical thing like a parasite or mold.

We find it and I suggest that there are different herbs that one could take if they would like or just say to them, it looks like you’ve had exposure to certain environmental factors and you might start doing some normal detox.

I’m not a doctor, I am a detective.

I just suggest that people start taking care of their health differently based upon what I observe and discover. Then they can go back to Anna or we’ll even work simultaneously.

From there, the client’s movement and energy noticeably improves. Their body begins to relax, freeing up motion. With the support Anna provides, she is also moving a lot of energy so people have an improved range of overall movement.

Where Anna focuses on the energetic and physical support, I like to spend more time on the psychological, on the emotional, on the spiritual, on the relationships etc.

When a client’s energy is no longer frozen or stuck anymore, there is so much more freedom in the body and the entire world view can change to open up incredible possibilities in health, relationships, career, hobbies, movement and overall contentment with life.


What is Holistic Healing?


Color Therapy – Holistic Healing Treatment