Color Therapy – Holistic Healing Treatment
Lisa Diamond Rosenthal, Holistic Healer & Life Coach discusses Color Therapy and its use in Healing.
Color therapy is one of my favorite subjects. Using colors and light for healing has been around for thousands of years.
It’s been said that Pythagoras was using colors for healing and that about 2000 years ago the Greeks were using color therapy as a treatment.
About 200 years ago they had sanitariums where they had patients sunbathe to absorb the sun’s rays. A person seeking treatment would be placed behind glass in the sun so that they can heal several common physical and emotional ailments.
Over the last several centuries, many people have come to understand that color does heal.
In 1877 a doctor named Pancoast wrote a book about using two colors, Red and Blue. He used the red lights for lack of vitality, poor nutrition and for depression. He used blue lights for calming someone where there was an inflammation or nervous condition.
Using Color And Light Therapy
Today we use many more colors in our healing treatments. Since each color has its own unique frequencies, we benefit from an array of frequencies to treat many different conditions based on an individual’s needs.
There are different ways to use color.
You can use it visually, where you shine colored light into the person’s eyes while they look down a special light machine tunnel or you could walk around with specific colored glasses on your eyes.
We also sometimes treat the client’s field, which is the 6 foot area that surrounds a person, like an invisible bubble. When treating the field, a colored light is placed six feet away from the client. Then, the colored light is focused on certain parts of the body. The color treatment can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour and the benefits can be a few days to completely reversing an issue.
I have seen firsthand major positive changes occur from using color therapy.
Measuring The Visual Field
When I start with a client I often measure their visual field.
The client sits down and looks through a special instrument where I am then able to draw lines representing their field at that moment in time. It takes just a few minutes and is painless.
To better explain the visual field, I’ll use a horse as an example. In NYC we have horse drawn carriages. The horses always have blinders on the sides of their face blocking the horse’s peripheral vision. With the blinders on the horse’s face, the horse’s visual field is reduced. They are less likely to react to sounds or unusual activity. The driver can control the horse much better. A horse that has a small visual field is limited in what he will do or become. He is not able to break from his owner and galivant through the streets of NYC with lots of energy and excitement. His world is rather small and he is fearful.
When we have trauma or a head injury or physical injury, our field shrinks to a very small field.
A person with a small visual field tends to be very nervous and anxious. They are afraid. It’s as if the walls are caving in on them and their world is getting smaller and smaller. Often they can’t drive or they have impairments.
Now not all visual fields are small, they can also show illness, toxicity, physical head trauma, and emotional challenges. There are many, many different conditions that can be detected in a visual field diagram.
Using Visual Fields And Color
When we use color therapy, we like to get a starting visual field to determine what type of light treatments would best benefit the client and how long they should use a light treatment. Several weeks later we retest the field to see all the changes that have occurred.
You might say to me, “Oh, but the field could have changed over the first day, you know, she was in a bad mood and the second time you did it she was in a good mood.” To that I would say, had we not done the color therapy, your field would be consistently like that first time I did it.
We would see the same things because you can’t change a head injury or a toxicity if you don’t do some type of treatment. if you don’t do anything, the visual field will stay the same. If your liver is having problems, it’s having problems this week and then two weeks later and the field will not change.
When you use color to work on the visual field, change happens subtly, but is very impactful. In just 6 weeks there can be a huge change in the person and their field will open up dramatically.
But more impactful than the field growing in size is how much better the person is feeling physically or emotionally. Their life is changing, they are more comfortable in their body, more outgoing, able to take on more of life’s challenges, and they feel better about themselves.
Conditions For Color Therapy And Light Therapy
Color therapy can be used for heavy metal toxicity, chronic fatigue syndrome, immune deficiency, candida, infertility and impotence, depression, stress and insomnia, many skin conditions, ADHD, ADD, memory problems, visual and hearing issues, weight issues, headaches and allergies to name a few.
I find it to be an incredible treatment.