Autonomic Response Testing (ART)- Holistic Healing Treatment

Lisa Diamond Rosenthal, Holistic Healer & Life Coach discusses ART and its use in Healing.

Kinesiology is a very old method of testing that traces back to the Egyptians as a way to communicate with the body. The Egyptians used a form of Kinesiology to test their food before they ate to see if it would make them sick.

In Kinesiology, the tester is communicating with the sympathetic nervous system to get information.

ART is an advanced form of Kinesiology that tests both the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems. This is important because besides testing if something is “good or bad” for you, we are also testing to what degree.

We can test to see if you have an allergy or sensitivity and if a substance will help you to heal as well as the dosage that you need.

Using The Body As A Lie Detector

The reaction the body gives is somewhat like a lie detector.

The police inspector might say “Did you go to the supermarket on Wednesday?” and the person says “No I didn’t.” But the lie detector says, ”Yes!” It is because your body overrides what you’re saying. Your body does not lie.

When using Kinesiology, a practitioner puts something in the person’s field.

When I say “the field” I mean right near them.

For instance, we’ve gone on airplanes, and they say no peanuts because the peanut can get dispersed in the air and an allergic child or adult passenger with a peanut allergy can have an anaphylactic reaction. So, within maybe a row or two of that allergic person is the person’s field.

With ART, different substances or different items encased in vials are put in the person’s field. We then do a muscle test to see what their reaction is. This takes 20 seconds, with no blood test, no needles, no labs, just an immediate response in real time.

For example, I place a closed vial with flour inside a person’s field. The person has either a good reaction to it, or a bad reaction.

If it’s a good reaction, you then learn if it’s neutral or promotes healing and to what degree.

If it is a bad reaction, you want to learn how bad it is. What does it do to them? Is the flour the problem or the chemicals that were used to grow the flour that is not good for this person? Do they have an allergy or just a sensitivity?

Testing For Mold, Allergies, Illness And More

ART is a tool that can be used for so many things.

A person can bring in a mold sample from their home to test, or bring in all of their supplements to see if they are working. Sometimes clients bring in the food they love to eat to see if they have any reactions. It is a faster way to learn about allergies and sensitivities.

Another area of ART testing is to learn about illness. ART allows us to test for many different things. We can test for different viruses, parasites, or types of mold. ART will tell if they have a parasite currently in their body and where it may be located.

The client can then take this information to their doctor and proceed from there.


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